This is a pre-order item. The delivery is in after 3 months. Regarding pre-order item, in case of delay in the release due to manufacturer's reason, we will immediately let you know, so please do not worry. The world's first denim line The omersa identity was inherited from the denim line, and a 13-ounce stretch denim with rope dyeing, which is rarely used in furniture, was used. In order to be an item that has been handed down from generation to generation and loved, I wanted to keep the aging and the taste of the ingredients over time. Denim uses Okayama and Kojima denim produced in Made in Japan. Like the original line, it uses iron skin and wood skin as a cushion material. The roughness of the woodskin will create the fabric and will change over time. Be sure to add omersa, whose expressions change every day, to their family members. * Because there is a possibility of color transfer, please be careful about rubbing light clothing and bags. The desktop version of our leather Yorkshire Pig. Really cute and makes an ideal gift.
デニムはMade in Japanで生産している岡山、児島のデニムを使用し、作りはオリジナルライン同様、アイアンと、ウッドのベースにウッドスキンをクッション素材に使用しています。
Size | Length | Width | Height |
MINIATURE | 24.5 | 10 | 16 |
Over 90 years of experience in making quality handmade leather animals… All our products are designed exclusively by Omersa and Company and are made to order at our two workshops in Lincolnshire, England. We have a small team of craftsmen who are trained up on site in the art of making leather animals! We strive to remain true to the original methods of production and standards of craftsmanship and offer you a product of excellence.
この商品は予約商品です オーダーから3か月後のお届けになります。
OMERSAで使う革は、天然素材ゆえのシワやキズを一つの個性ととらえ、表面をアクリルコーディングせず、 自然の表現を生かした仕上げをしています。そのため、製品の中にもシワやキズがそのままの表情として入ります。 使い込み、時を経るごとに色に深みと艶が増し、キズやシワも使う人ならではの味となっていきます。 表面のコーティングを行わない為、色移りをする可能性があります。 十分にご注意下さい。また、水分にとても弱い為、 水や、水分が着いてしまった際は不要なウエス等で軽く拭き取ってください。 色落ち補修の準備 補修剤は水性で、永久的なものをご使用ください。 付着した汚れはぬるま湯につけた布巾で拭き取ってください。